Therapists in Denver and Co Springs are provided by Westside Behavioral Care. We have therapists in Denver, therapists in areas surrounding Denver and in the Colorado Springs area; in other words, in or near all of the cities below.
These cities are listed in alphabetical order below. Click on the name of the city and all of our therapists in that city (or nearby) will appear on the next window.
Our award-winning therapists in Denver and Co Springs practice a wide variety of specialty areas serving children, adolescents, adults, couples and families, and work with many insurance companies. The therapies we provide include EMDR, DBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, marriage therapy, couples counseling, and specialized interventions for a wide variety of emotional problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, panic attacks, OCD, ADHD, and grief). Please go here to see a complete list of the problems we treat and the therapies we provide.
Call our courteous receptionist at 303-986-4197 to discuss your need for therapy with our therapists in Denver and Co Springs areas. She will do her very best to schedule an appointment immediately with a therapist near you. Any appointment needs which she cannot fill right away will be referred to our director, Dr. Thomas Giles, in order to bring additional therapist resources to the situation.
Therapists in Aurora or nearby
Our therapist in Boulder
Our therapist near Castle Rock
Licensed counselors in Centennial or nearby
Our therapist in Colorado Springs
Our Denver therapists
Our therapist near Elizabeth
Our therapist in Franktown
Our therapists in Golden and nearby
Our therapists in Greenwood Village and nearby
Our therapists in Highlands Ranch or nearby
Our therapist near Kiowa
Our therapists in Lakewood or nearby
Our therapists in Littleton or nearby
Our therapist near Monument
Our therapists in Northglenn or nearby
Our licensed counselors near Parker
Our licensed counselors near Westminster
Our counselors in Wheat Ridge or nearby
For additional information on psychologists, therapists, and therapy, please visit the website of the American Psychological Association.