Receptionist 303-986-4197
M – F • 8:30am – 5:00pm

anxiety therapist in Denver Tag

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) sufferers normally have both obsessions and compulsions, although some people may experience obsessions alone. The seriousness of symptomotology tends to vary, but it often gets worse over time, especially throughout occasions of stress. Here are some examples of OCD variations: • Excessive Washing (e.g., washing hands...

People with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) experience excessive, intrusive and undesirable ideas (obsessions) supported by compulsive actions whose purpose is to superstitiously reduce fear, anxiety,or the chances of catastrophe. These sufferers frequently recognize that their obsessive ideas and compulsive actions are exaggerated and even irrational, but nonetheless they feel at...

People with panic attacks have multiple and often unpredictable episodes of intense fear which may be accompanied by sweating, chest discomfort, rapid heart beat, nausea, rapid breathing, dissociation, tingling, numbness, feeling "unreal," and/or other responses associated with a heightened state of the sympathetic nervous system. Panic...