Self-Care Tips During COVID-19
Self-Care Tips During COVID-19
As unprecedented and overwhelming as the coronavirus pandemic has been, it is noteworthy to consider a fact- human beings have a wonderful ability to adapt to circumstances. It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out now and then. As a result of the pandemic itself, and fearing that you may catch the virus, there is the additional overwhelming feelings of dealing with new safety protocols. The adjustment may be long or short, and you may need some self-care tips along the way.
When novel information is thrown at you on an almost daily basis, you can’t help but feel low. There is also the helplessness that you feel for your loved ones, not just in terms of yourself. If you care for seniors and children, you need to think of them too. People, either working from home or physically attending their office, also have a lot on their minds. Pausing for a moment, and collecting your thoughts helps. It will keep you focused and aid you in remaining calm. Stopping and taking a deep breath can be a great stress reliever.
Uncertain times
Uncertain times require actions of an equally robust nature to deal with daily living. You may feel anxiety, anger, fear and sadness. Maybe you feel them at different times or all at once. You may feel confused too. Physical reactions may take the form of headaches, fatigue, sleeplessness and muscle tension. Taking care of yourself is integral to your own well-being. It also plays a role in your life if you’re caring for others. Below you may discover some pointers that you can use to look after yourself.
Physical well-being
Physical health is as important as mental health. Both go hand in hand and each complements the other equally. Here are some suggestions:
Exercise several days a week. This is time out for you and your own personal space that goes with it. Whether it’s a ten-minute walk you’re taking, or a rigorous gym routine, make it a habit. If you are living in a place where the weather is fine (no one expects you to walk on sleet), then exercise or walk outdoors. You will feel energized and refreshed.
- Give your body its fuel. Maintain a well-balanced diet, with loads of fruit and veggies. Drink a lot of water.
- Practice deep breathing and stretch as much as you can.
- Getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night is ideal. You may not get it every night, but see that you are sleeping well more often than not.
- Get outside. You can go to the grocery store or run errands, always maintaining social distancing and donning your mask.
Take care of your mental health
Being mentally healthy can be a serious challenge in these times. Self-care tips involve things that you can do to alleviate stress and worry. Below is a brief guide to being focused and not letting your thoughts run wild.
- Think of the present. Be grateful for the day ahead and live it to the best of your ability.
- Fix a daily regimen and stick to it. A routine brings structure into your life, while keeping you busy at the same time.
- Pursue a hobby. Read a book or listen to some music.
- Take note of what others are doing to help you and your community at large. Take part in community activities – many community members are partaking in contributing any way they can, like helping out the elderly or donating supplies and money to local organizations. Blood donation drives are popular too.
- Technology can be a wonderful thing to keep in touch and stay connected. Connections and inter-personal relationships are important at this time. Maybe a loved one needs to lean on you, and maybe you need emotional support too. You can have a check-in schedule with family and friends as this gives you something you can look forward to.
- Keep your personal belief system intact. Have faith in whatever you believe in.
- Depend on news that’s reliable – facts are important, as there’s a lot of hearsay out there.
Seek help if you need it
If any feelings that you may be experiencing become persistent and interfere with activities of daily functioning, contact a mental health provider. These may manifest as emotions that you cannot manage, anxiety that escalates in you feeling like you’re losing control, trouble focusing on daily living activities and responsibilities. Reach out to friends and family. The pandemic has wrought havoc, but it has also brought sympathy and brotherhood.